Let me introduce Because I am the Mom!
I am keeping it right here settled in with everything else because I imagine that you need another thing to check, like, or follow about as much as I need another thing to add, update or promote :)
But if you find yourself having a Because I am the Mom moment, tag me or send me a quick note or even just include the words "because i am the mom", and I'll add your mini-story to the page (with or without your name; it's less about each of us and more about how the only reason you need for nearly anything is Because I am the MOM! :))
So tell me what you get away with (or suffer through) simply because You are the Mom!
(p.s. I'm thinking that the catch phrases 'You are the man' or 'You are the bomb' should totally be changed to 'You are the mom' because, obviously, moms are way better than men or bombs.)