Wegmans was out of the soy butter that I usually buy. I chose another kind from the same shelf, and read every word on it, despite the fact that the name is literally No Nuts.
Then I realized that it is made with brown peas (I don't know what they are either), which is fine for my pea/treenut-allergic son, but would not be good for kids who are allergic to legumes. That would not be good...this is not relevant to my family, but these are the full list of things that pass through my mind.
I had him try a little bit after dinner last night, so that he wasn't having it for the first time at school. Perhaps overly protective measures for something that clearly contains no nuts, but these are the preventive steps that we take :)
Fast forward to 4pm as I take his lunchbox out of his schoolbag and find just one bite taken out of the sandwich. Apparently he doesn't like $6/jar No Nut Butter.