I’m not a big go-to-the-spa-and-pay-a-billion-dollars-for-oily-treatments, nor am I a big believer in lotions and potions, so I have to admit I was a little hesitant when I was offered a trial of IT WORKS wraps. But, she promised it was easy and worth it, so I agreed. It came in a little manila envelope with instructions (and the info about joining their team, so let me know if you’re interested!), easy peasy!
Big decision: where to use it? I don’t hold a lot of weight in my belly (I hold it slightly further south in my derriere and legs!), but due to 2 babies in 2 years, my stomach is not great.
Instead of stretch marks, I have wrinkles…sort of a deflated balloon look. Not hot. I thought that this might help smooth things, so that was my area of choice. (I actually cut the wrap; I only used a portion of it, so can do the same area again (OR, I may have enough to do my thighs-? I might have to make a purchase!).)
I followed the simple instructions to apply the wrap then drank a full glass of water, then another 30 mins later. Although this is not the type of wrap that dehydrates you, it does recommend drinking plenty of fluids to help flush the toxins, and blah blah, read the instructions before use : ) Then I did some laundry, watched part of a movie, generally acted as I normally would. Again, not a high maintenance treatment.
Couple observations:
Smells like vicks – just a surprising observation; that’s not a bad thing, to me.
Not greasy at all – this is a big deal to me. I often put on lotion only to wash my hands. I can’t stand feeling oily.
It feels COLD! – really cold, but in a menthol way (see number 1) ; makes sense since it contains eucalyptus and peppermint. (I keep thinking about when Phoebe and Monica were waxing their legs and Phoebe said it was so natural you could eat it. I wouldn’t recommend chewing on your wrap, but it is made with natural detoxifiers!)
After the recommended 45 minutes, I took it off and was pleasantly surprised! If nothing else, it looked less puffy, and actually did look smoother. I’m too modest (vain) to post pictures of myself (especially since I had just eaten a huge serving—ok 2, -- of macaroni and cheese), but there are plenty of others on the site and on the fb page. Check ‘em out if you want to see what the typical results look like.
My stomach is not a place that I necessarily need to lose inches, but I did the measurements and saw a ¼” difference.
So my bottom line assessment is- GOOD! It will not do all the work for you, but it will help (as I understand it). I keep thinking that the best time to do this would be about a month post-pregnancy (not sure if it’s recommended while breastfeeding, always check first), or right after someone has lost a lot of weight. But any old Saturday night works for me : )
Happy wrapping!