The Batman pencil was starting to peel...Much to our surprise, we unraveled it to find Hannah Montana underneath!
I saw an ad for this about 6wks ago, and immediately sent my husband the link, thinking the boys would love it. BUT there's so little about what the show will actually BE. Philly is one of the first tour dates, but if anyone sees the show before then, let me know how it is!
http://www.marveluniverselive.com/ "Peter Parker, it's been 10 years. What have you been up to?"
"Ahh, I do some web design..." Superhero/comic fan or not, that is a good line. #AmazingSpiderman2 There is a Batman costume and a ninja costume (both full with masks) in my son's room. I'm starting to wonder if he does some caped crusading at night. (That would help explain the bruised legs and the surly attitude...)
It's no secret that we've got some superhero fans in our house. I went 30 years without knowing the intricacies (or even the names!) of most superheroes, and now I know more than I really care to. I must admit, some of it is pretty cool, and definitely better than some of the other toys out there. Rainbow loom bracelets have been the activity of choice this Summer. Again, I have to admit that I thought it was kind of silly and overpriced at first, but anything that keeps my boys concentration for an hour at a time is worth the money (and you can now find supplies for much much less at AC Moore!). So, combining superheroes and bracelet-making must be a good match! Thankfully, they're good at keeping everything organized because my borderline OCD is also no secret. As the rubberbands came out this morning, they began to fall into superhero color patterns. Little Guy decided to create some bracelets based on the characters. Check out some combinations, then tell us your favorites! We're missing a LOT! Who would you add? There are endless combinations. Try some of the more complicated patterns to make it even more dynamic! If superheroes aren't your thing, try colors that match each of the Princesses, Disney character color combinations, sports teams (we have Phillies bracelets here, despite their patheticness of late), Ninjago guys...choose your own adventure :) Rainbow Loom was not my creation (wish it was...). And obviously, I don't work for Marvel or DC. This is just our idea for cheap, easy Summer fun! It's 100 degrees and my boys are running around outside in full superhero costumes. I suggested they just wear the capes, but that was a no-go. (Meanwhile, I'm still hot from going to the playground 6 hours ago ;))
Ok, with 2 walls taken care of, and 1 made up of the door and a closet, that left one more wall to decorate. As we've seen, my artistic skill stops right around tracing shapes and using school glue. So, for the final project, I armed myself with exactly those things! I grabbed a couple colors of posterboard, felt squares, and another piece of foamboard for backing. I returned to the almighty Google, and searched for outlines of the logos I wanted. I traced and trimmed, layered, glued, leveled, taped, and...done! Although, I have since been requested to add Flash and Wonder Woman panels, so my project may not quite be over... I'm going to add a couple other little things, and hang the Batman/Robin pinata in the corner, then that will be it! Ok, so this one doesn't quite warrant its own post. It's a mini-decoration, but worth the mention. If you've been paying attention, you know that I have been working on making over my son's bedroom-- on the cheap and easy. This one is the cheapest and easiest of them all. I bought two sheets of letter stickers at the dollar store when I was creating a racecar room. I spelled out car words crossword-puzzle-style in a couple places on the walls. So, while pulling them off, I figured I'd try something before just throwing them in the trash. I grabbed a couple and spelled out some superhero-style words, in 1960s Adam West Batman TV show fashion. It's nothing spectacular, but it certainly adds some pop (or rather some POW and some BANG) to an otherwise empty small wall! Last week I posted the first step in creating a superhero room for Little Guy. To recap, I wanted something cool but not permanent. A posterboard became a Gotham City backdrop/headboard. Of course, I couldn't stop there. I had a superhero image saved to my computer from some 'research' I had done for a couple superhero birthday parties we had. Horrible stealer disclaimer: I do not know where the image came from. I know that's a mortal sin to artists, so I am not posting the actual image. It's easy enough to find/create one if you want to duplicate this. The original image was in color, but I thought it might be kind of cool in black and white-- like a comic book kind of look. ...plus, my husband has a large format B&W printer at work, so he could do it for free :) Don't worry if you don't have a hookup like that-- the large business supply stores do these (sometimes called engineer prints) for about $5. I mounted it on foamboard and hung it on the wall! This time there was already a nail, so I hooked it on there, but I'm sure painters tape would work for this one too. (It's posterboard and paper, so it's really light!) This is so simple, but I really love how it looks. I like the retro-looking faces. Friendly tip-- you may want to find one with a slightly less intimidating picture of Hulk. It may have been the source of a bad dream during the first week it was up... Even more coming up soon! *I know, I know. We criss-crossed Marvel and DC superheroes. It was on purpose. We're equal-opportunity superhero lovers ;) I have commitment issues when it comes to decorating-- especially kids rooms. When we were designing the nursery, I avoided a "theme". I didn't want every piece of Classic Pooh decor in existence. I didn't want teddy bears on every wall, blanket, and pillow. I found a bedding set that I loved. I pulled a light green color from the quilt and used that as the paint color (we didn't find out what we were having. We figured 'baby' was all we needed to know ;)) The most extreme thing that I did was paint vertical stripes on the bottom half of the wall. That was good therapy for my pregnant OCD brain. Overall, I wanted something that could transition. About two years ago (? I forget...) I turned it from a nursery into a little boy room. We swapped out the 'nursery' valance for longer navy curtains, the star-covered rug with a primary colored one, and added some racecar touches-- wall decals, CARS nightlight, a Someday I'll Win the Race print from Pumpkin and Butterfly-- and called it a day. Recently, my son wanted to turn it into a superhero room. He had gotten an Avengers comforter for his birthday, so that was a start. I began to look for ideas for wall decorations that would be simple, cool, and...non-permanent. When I saw the Gotham City (Metropolis?) backdrop that my friend created for her son's birthday party, I knew that was the first piece! I started with a black presentation board, cut out a skyline, and added some yellow rectangles as the lit windows. Here's the kicker-- it's attached to the wall with blue painters tape. What's more non-committal than that?! I added a (cardstock paper and felt) bat signal above it, and voila! This piece was done and hung in one afternoon! More pieces coming in future posts! |
AuthorWith a love of children and a passion for reading and writing, Kelly decided to share her experiences with others through the pages of the Crib Notes book and site. Join me on Influenster: www.influenster.com/r/1290177J
January 2022