•How’d you guys meet?: My dad made me work with him for the summer...and I fell in love with the boss' son
•First Date: When hanging out turned into dating is a little sketchy-- first time hanging out was watching Bad Boys VHS with my friends at my parents'
•How long have you been together: again, "together" is sketchy haha but nearly 25 years
•Married: 18+
•Kids: 2
•Age difference: 6 years
•Who was interested first: Me? Both?
•Who is taller: him
•Who said I love you first: not sure
•Favorite tv show to watch together: whatever our current fave is; long-term prob Friends
•Most impatient: me
•Most sensitive: him
•Loudest: me
•Most stubborn: tie
•Falls asleep first: him
•Cooks better: me
•Better morning person: me
•Better driver: "better" meaning more diversely skilled- him; "better" meaning safer- me, so both (see next answer)
•Most competitive: me
•Funniest: we each have our moments
•Where do you eat out most as a couple? What's going out...?
•Who is more social? me
•Who is the neat freak? me, but he's pretty neat too
•Where was your first kiss? In my parents' driveway
•Do you get flowers often? No, but that's 100% ok with me
•Who plans date night? me
•Who picks where you go to dinner? Me? But I keep his pickiness in mind.
•Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? Him I guess. It's so rare that I'm wrong...
•Who has more tattoos? him
•Who sings better? both? neither?
•Hogs the remote? neither
•Spends the most? him
•Did you go to the same school? no
•Where is the furthest you two have traveled together? Aruba