With the frigid and crazy weather that most of the country has been living in added to the normal craziness of parenting, you may have forgotten that Valentine's Day is this week. THIS.WEEK. But it is not too late. Not nearly.
Let's forget about cards and treats for your kids' classmates-- or click here, here, here, and here for some cute ideas. Now, let's think about your wife*.
I don't know about you, but flowers that last a week or two are not my idea of a great way to spend $100. I do know some women who like their Valentine's Day flowers, so if your significant other is one of them, I suppose your should play along with her and not bother with my list. BUT if you or she agree with my flowers-are-a-waste theory, that doesn't mean that she doesn't want anything, or that she wouldn't be delighted with a surprise. So let's make better use of that $100:
- Valentine's Day is a Friday this year and what is better than Friday pizza? Let your wife know that you have dinner covered, then grab a pizza and head on home! ($15)
- What pairs well with pizza and Valentine's Day? Wine! Pick up a bottle of her beverage of choice-- I like sweet red wine with pizza;. ($12) What? You can totally get a good bottle of wine for $12!
Extra points: print a custom label! Don't have labels? Print it on paper and secure it with a piece of clear tape.
- Nothing says Valentine's Day like lingerie, but maybe that's not the most practical thing to wear while dolling out pizza and tucking your kids into bed...sexy underwear under jeans or yoga pants works too! Swing by a store (NOT the same one where you buy toothpaste and/or video games; there should not be a bullseye nor a sunshine asterisk thing (I'm not a Walmart shopper, I don't know what that logo is supposed to be) on the front of the store) and choose a pair that you'd like to look at AND she'd like to wear. Team effort here, dude. ($12)
Extra points: have the store wrap your selection in something pretty! (Victoria's Secret and most department stores do this for FREE!)
- One word: Dessert. Put the kids to bed and get down to something indulgent. Stop by The Cheesecake Factory, your favorite bakery, or even your local grocery store. Don't go overboard; you only need dessert for two, and sharing is good on Valentine's Day. ($15)
Extra points: If you have time for something homemade, I highly recommend this. - A card can go a long way. Don't just pick the first one you see. Choose one with a message that expresses your thoughts. Even better, choose a blank card and write your own message. Short and sweet works just fine. ($5)
forever. (Age of technology version: text her something sweet or sexy every hour on the hour throughout the whole day.)
- Traditional Valentine's gift? Chocolate! No need for $100 of chocolate (though that would still be my preference over $100 of flowers), but don't go dollar store on this one either. Find a happy medium. ($3.50)
Extra points: This is a freebie! Dove Promises have little messages inside the foil wrappers!
- Now make it last-- promise not to wait till next Valentine's Day to do some or all of these things!
Extra points: Actually DO some or all of these things before next Valentine's Day!
Ok, we're only at $62.50, and I'm out of ideas! Splurge on one of the above, add your own idea, or put the rest towards making this type of thing happen more often!
Now. Who's sending this to my husband?...
*I went with mom/wife throughout, and directed this to the guys. Adapt as needed. My husband and I will probably each do some of these. Like I said, team effort! :)Happy Valentine's Day, my loves!
Happy Valentine's Day, my loves!
(I do not have endorsements with any of the above-named companies, though I would welcome any and all! ;))