And every FRIENDS fan knows about Monica's closet.
The shame.
Oh, the shame.
I know someone like this actually. Her house is always immaculate, but she's the first to admit-- do NOT open the closet. It's not too pretty behind closed doors.
So what's that about?
Is it all for show? Just keeping up appearances, and shoving the rest in the closet at the first sight of company?
Or maybe it's out of sight, out of mind. Don't you just feel better sitting in a room that's not full of clutter? I do.
And while we're talking about me, I have to take a moment to say-- this particular issue is not my organizational problem. I'm the weirdo with clothes organized by color and season, and shelves of dry goods stacked neatly and all facing the same direction...and cluttered countertops and piles of paper. Given the choice, I'd prefer to be a closet case!
But that's the thing-- we have the choice.
A couple weeks ago I was invited to a simply B organized Clutter Clinic. Creator Laurie Palau offers a range of services, including these 90-minute seminars. This particular session focused on closets, but the concepts and solutions are pretty universal: Organizing your home and simplifying your life (that's her tagline actually!). And, as you may know, doing one perpetuates the other.
It's pretty hard to live simply with an unorganized home. And it's pretty hard to organize your home when you live a crazy life.
That's where Laurie comes in.
I consider myself (sort of, I'm working on it) an organized person. But I had a few 'lightbulb moments' within that hour and a half. Like did you know that besides physical clutter, we have calendar clutter? Maybe you over-schedule yourself, or your kids, or take on too heavy a workload, or start a new project before finishing the current one, or, well, all of the above? That's clutter. It's chaos. I does not organize your home and it does not simplify your life.
And emotional clutter. I'm not too bad at that one, but I'd bet it's a popular one. Get rid of baby clothes? Donate your (1990s) prom dress? Keep 2 instead of all of your extra wedding invitations? Horrifying! The list goes on and on...and so do the shelves of stuff. Save the specials, trim a piece, turn it into something, take a great photo, but let.it.go. But we all knew that, right? Now to actually do it...
Again, that's where Laurie comes in. She can meet for a couple hours and give you a plan to run with, or stick by your side for an entire overhaul; work with what you have, or create something new; she even offers room layout and design services-- cool, right?!
Whether you've just moved, or you're looking to breathe some new life-- new organized life-- into your home, I suggest calling Laurie. And don't worry. She's friendly :)