Here's a funny (but alarming) story from the True Confessions section of Crib Notes:
I was up late with Little Larry (teething, etc), and around 5a.m. I opened a new bottle of Tylenol and gave him his dose. Being half asleep I must not have closed the child proof lid all the way. Ashley was about 33 months, and when she woke up she went downstairs first. By the time I came downstairs she was coming out of the bathroom with the empty—yes empty—bottle of Tylenol in her hand saying, “Mommy this was dewicious!” I knew it was a full bottle so the first thing I did was call Poison Control. The woman was great. She calmly asked if I had syrup of ipecac. I did but was not really sure where I hid it to keep it out of the kids’ reach...ironic that I didn't do that with a full bottle of Tylenol!!
She said, “I will give you exactly five minutes to locate it, otherwise take a spoon and your child to the drugstore, buy some and give it to her at the store.” I found it, gave it to her, and she threw up all the Tylenol. It took her about six throw ups but it all came out. Poison Control called me all throughout the day to see how she was doing and then called the next day. I asked the woman, after thanking her a million times, what would have happened. She said she would have fallen asleep and her liver would have shut down and by the time I thought her nap was know what. Scary, huh?! Thank goodness she told me, “MOMMY THIS WAS DEWICIOUS!” It was so cute that we say it all the time till this day, but it saved her life.
~Kathy , 9 siblings, mom of 4
IMPORTANT : This little cutie is now in her teens, and recommendations have changed. Please read updated Poison Control instructions regarding ipecac: