What's that shimmering in the distance? Is it a...? No, wait. What in the name of John Freida is going on here? A GRAY HAIR?!
I am not a vain person. I jumped happily into my 30s. I quickly accepted that my stomach was not one that would be seen in public ever again. I'm cool with that fact that, when showering at 9:30pm on a Saturday night, it's after getting ice cream with the family, not before hitting the bar with friends. But gray hair? I did not sign up for that.
Is it some sort of punishment because I likened God to Santa when trying to explain omniscience (omnipresence?) to my boys?
I pulled it out for a closer look (spoiler alert- it looked like a gray hair), but then remembered that for each one that is pulled, three more grow back like weeds or something creepy like that. So great.
Hopefully this was a fluke. It has to be. I mean, neither of my parents had gray hair until they were at least 40, right? Or is that just in my mind? Who knows these days. In my defense, having everything that was cool when I was like 8 be back in style makes it hard to remember what decade it is. But clearly I'm older than I think.
Whatever, if you need me I'll be studying the Clairol Color Chart...
Why is this bothering me?! Do you have gray hair? Make me feel better!