Target has some really great deals this week. You get $5 gift cards with many useful products (sunblock, and dog food, and deodorant, oh my!), not like sometimes when you have to purchase 3 razors and 4 Coca-cola products to qualify...anyway, I was doing really awesome, even grabbing (again, useful) things from the clearance end cap sections. Then Little Guy had to pee. He's a boy, it takes 8 seconds start to finish. We came out to find- wait for it- no cart!
I asked 4 different employees who all guessed that it had been taken to be restocked (thanks, that's not helpful). I was hoping it was still in tact at Customer Service, but no luck.
So my question is WHY?! Why, Target, when you can't take carts into the bathroom, would you remove one that was left in a harmless corner right outside the bathroom for less than 1 minute, and put everything back?!