Here's where that becomes a problem...
Gmail recently changed their messaging. It totally threw me off (and I still don't think it's an improvement). It's not that I can't learn new things, or that I'm technilogically-challenged, it's just that I have to literally reprogram my brain/fingers to click in a different sequence/pattern. It took me about two weeks to adapt.
And just when I did, Wegmans totally rearranged the store. These two things don't seem related, but they are. Stay with me, here.
I write my shopping list in shopping order. As we run out of bananas, it goes at the top of the list since produce is at the front of the store; powdered sugar goes at the bottom because baking supplies are at the end of my route, or at least they were. I went in last week and was greeted by a whole new set up. I walked in circles at least 3 times, despite the iPad-equipped employees who were directing traffic (at least I wasn't the only one). I hate wasting time!
So is there such thing as being too organized? Too rigid? Sadly, I think there is.