A friend's story:
8 am mom trying to catch some extra zzzz's while dad plays with jack down stairs.... I hear mommy jack is hungry. I climb outing bed ti hear my little man with a worsening terrible cough. I happily fed my starved lil boy wh...o immediately st...arts coughing ... Gags on his mucous and projectile vomits his
Entire feeding directly down the front of me...
Bath #1 for jack.... by daddy!!!
No shower for mom
First nap of the day... Pees through outfit, only to be noticed because my shirt was warm where there was now a big warm urine spot on my shirt... Laughing I take him down to change him thinking it was to funny puke and peed to be greeted with, literally, a hand full of poo up his entire back.... Not so funny now... I very skillful remove his shirt and literally cut off
His onsie bc there was no saving it... Poo up to the shoulders...
Bath # 2 for jack... By mommy
Still... No shower for mommy... Another shirt change and a thorough hand cleansing.
Last nap before bed time jack wakes up again with poo, but contained... Thank god... I escaped another disaster... O no... I turn my head to turn around to a golden shower hahaha all over me and him hahahahaha I was hysterical
Bath # 3 for jack.... By mommy
Finally a very over due shower for mommy
Now in pjs for both of us and it is only 630
I hope ur day was much cleaner than mine!!!