This may be how our elf arrives this year...
We've had an elf for a long time-- several years, since before I knew what it even was. Despite the endless resources of elf ideas, we keep it simple. Our elf, as the name suggests, sits on a shelf or other high up place each day, watching over. And each night, he flies back to the North Pole to report the events of the day.
It's just enough magic to keep the faith, and just enough simplicity to keep mommy's sanity.
Rainbow loom is still super popular in our house. A couple weeks ago, the boys found a YouTube video describing how to make mini-figures, and each made a superhero (Hulk and Spiderman).
So that gave me an idea...why not combine two of our favorite things into one? It's not an exact match, but for an elf made out of rubberbands, it'll do.
And the fact that it was made by our elf? Magical ;)