...eaten some old Cheerios off the couch instead of walking all.the.way to the trashcan
...spent more money on your child's Mother's Day Brunch outfit than your own
...skipped the last 8 minutes of work, and dinner, 3 days a week for 4 straight years just to get to the ballfield on time
...endured more weather than a postal worker, while waiting at the busstop
...spent $4 on purple sparkly toothpaste
...cried with pride at a dance recital
...left the house with food/spit up/snot on your clothes
...owned sneakers 4x as old as your kids' sneakers
...given up the last cookie
...taken the blame
...wanted to skip pages of the bedtime story, but read them anyway
...skipped pages of the bedtime story
...sat through a band concert with a migraine
...sniffed your child's diapered-butt like it's no big deal
...cursed homework because it's no fun
...used clean cloth nursing pad as an emergency napkin or menstrual pad
...slowly pushed the shopping cart back and forth, or rocked side to side out of habit, even when there is no child with you
...stayed by the bedside, even after he fell asleep
...taken a mini princess or superhero to the food store
...worn bandaids with cartoon characters
...let him skip a shower because he smelled ok
...bargained with a 2-yr-old
...learned more about your child's illness than the country's top specialist
...used your shirt as a tissue-- for someone else's nose
...let a 3-yr-old do your hair
...wanted to punch that bully in the face, but taught your child the right reaction instead
...skipped happy hour for pizza family hour
...washed the Batman shirt at 11pm so that he could wear it AGAIN tomorrow
...carried your sleeping 50lb kid in from the car
...gone out for Girls Night, only to talk about your kids and check your phone for babysitter messages the whole night (while still swaying side to side, soothing the imaginary baby...)
...successfully made and ate dinner using only one hand
...seen every movie in the 'animated' category but not one of the 'best' nominations
and/or ...cried while reading this list...
you might be a mom!
Happy Mother's Day to the best of the best!