Kelly Bennet does a great job of capturing the things that make childhood fun and special. This is one of those (rare) books that is just as meaningful to the adult who’s reading it, as it is to the child who’s listening. It’s a great way for a child to relate to his father—someone who may seem so far removed from boyhood!
Your Daddy Was Just Like You is so sweet and would be perfect for Father's Day! Grandparents will love this book—both as a meaningful gift for a grandchild and as a gently-teasing gesture to their son!
Bonus: This great book is available in Mommy format too! Your Mommy Was Just Like You is also available.
Extra Bonus: Does your child have a father and stepfather? Dad and Pop, also by Kelly Bennett, is the perfect book for them!
Shopping tip: I spotted the hardback on a Father's Day display at Target! Check local stores, or hurry and order from Amazon!