But. Sometimes saying you're organized is easier than actually being-- or even harder: staying-- organized.
We look to a blog post, a magazine article, a Pinterest board, a Target end cap, for ideas. But sometimes fancy labels and trendy bins are failed organization attempts in disguise. A cute container does not an organized closet make. (In addition to organizing, I also like strange language patterns [nerd].) But really, it's true. This is just one of the topics that Laurie Palau covers in her new book Hot Mess: A Practical Guide to Getting Organized.
(I met Laurie a couple years ago through a mutual friend. I actually attended one of her Clutter Clinics-- read more about my experience here.)
I love that the title includes the word PRACTICAL, because that's one of the things I immediately noticed about Laurie's style. Recently, she posted a thought that totally resonated with me: "The [really popular recent] method of only holding onto things that spark joy in your life sparked a revolution of people decluttering-- which is great-- but it's unrealistic. My daughter's lacrosse stick sparks no joy in my life, but I need a home for it." EXACTLY! |
Hot Mess (btw, cute title, right?!) approaches purging and organizing in a realistic, practical, and do-able way. Instead of trying to explain all the types of clutter, all the aspects of organizing, and all the pitfalls to avoid, I'm going to recommend that you read Hot Mess. If you're local to me, you're welcome to borrow mine, but I'd suggest getting your own (it's under $15 and on Prime and under $3 for digital download!). It's the kind of book you're going to want to refer back to. In the meantime, find a home for it on a neatly-organized book shelf ;)
Follow Laurie and Simply B Organized on Facebook, Instagram, and her podcast: This Organized Life
Hot Mess: A Practical Guide to Getting Organized was written by Laurie Palau, published 2017, zolopublishing, New Hope, PA